This week our tall sunflowers have finally come into flower.
It seems a bit ironic that they flowered a week after the goats left, as I planted them as a tasty goat treat. I'm sure the chooks are going to be delighted to have them though....
We're trying to grow beans up them - looking a bit iffy at the moment as the beans seem to be struggling despite Johan's best efforts to get more light to them by removing a large number of sunflower leaves.....
Hi Jen,
Read about you in Grass Roots and good luck with your challenge. I also live in Tasmania just out of Dodges Ferry on 5 acres. 1 acres is cleared and we have been here 18 months so have been setting up a veggie garden, chooks, orchard, planting other trees and shrubs and trying to become more simplified and self-sufficent although we both work at the moment. We have two teenage boys who still haven't come to terms with not living in the suburbs yet but do like cherries straight off the tree. I enjoy reading how other people are going and hope to learn from the successes and mistakes. I agree with you that sometimes life seems more complicated the more you try to simplify and I suppose we all have to strive for a balance and what works for us. Well done and I look forward to reading how you are going with your challenge.
Hi Denise - thanks for your comments! My folks had 100acre hobby farm near you (Forcett) when I was a teenager - I hated it passionately!!!... who knows - your boys may have a change of heart later in life too :) Lots to learn re self-sufficiency isn't there? I think connecting and learning from the successes and mistakes of others is a very sensible idea. I'm more than happy to share mine! Good luck with it all! Cheers, Jen
HI my name is Maree, tried to leave a comment a minute a go but received an error message, so will start again. I live in Sandford on eastern shore in Tassie also, I found your site thru a friend who always finds great blogs. I look forward to following your stories of your challenge. you sound like a lovely family. I breed Alpacas and Angora rabbits for spinning etc. I am 59 and have 6 soon to be 7 grandchildren. bye for now Maree, my web site is if you want to check out my photos of bunnies etc. cheers Maree
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